Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN Latvia provided legal assistance to a major retail company in Latvia in an administrative violation case. As a result, the client avoided an administrative penalty. Legal assistance was provided by senior associate Raivo Raudzeps.
Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN advised Nemo Telecom in registering the European Community trade mark “NEMO”. Nemo Telecom is a TV services provider known for its advanced Nemo TV service, which works on an OTT platform (Over the Top – over the network of any Internet provider) and is supported by different devices – from Smart TV sets to […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN advised AJ Produkti regarding the extension of its office and warehouse with a total project value of approximately EUR 1.2 million. SORAINEN represented the client in a design dispute with the architect. Additionally, it developed the construction contract and supervision contract, which were tailored to fit the company’s specific needs to ensure the parallel […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN konsultavo didþiausià kredito unijà Lietuvoje „Mano unija“ dël suteiktø verslo paskolø finansavimo per Latvijos sutelktinio finansavimo platformà „Mintos“ struktûrizavimo. „Mano unija“ išduodamos ákeitimu ir gavëjo garantijomis uþtikrintos paskolos bus finansuojamos per „Mintos“ platformà. Teikiamos paskolos sieks nuo 10 000 iki 100 000 eurø, o paskolø gràþinimo laikotarpis – nuo 6 mënesiø iki 5 metø. Planuojama, kad […]