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Sorainen advised Lords LB Baltic Fund IV in the acquisition of an office building in central Tallinn known as EU House. The transaction posed some unique challenges due to the fact that the property is structured as a building title and parts of the building remained under reconstruction during the transaction. Additionally, the transaction involved use of […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
Sorainen supported Hesburger, one of the largest fast-food regional chains, in launching Belarus franchise. Sorainen assistance involved representing the client in negotiations with franchisee and localising master franchise agreement under Belarus law within a constrained time frame. Sorainen team also provided legal support in termination of the agreement with previous franchisee. The client was advised […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
„Sorainen“ konsultavo „Moneta International“ steigiant pagrindinæ ámonës bûstinæ ir pradedant veiklà Lietuvoje. „Moneta International“ valdo mokëjimø platformà ir teikia paslaugas elektroninës prekybos ámonëms. Šiais metais ákurta „Moneta International“ á mokëjimø platformà ir kitus Lietuvoje vystomus finansiniø technologijø projektus planuoja investuoti daugiau nei 1 mln. eurø bei ádarbinti apie 15 aukštos kvalifikacijos darbuotojø. „Ieškodami investicijø lokacijos […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
Statybinës technikos prekyba uþsiimanti Suomijos bendrovë „Wihuri“ pardavë savo dukterines ámones Estijoje, Latvijoje ir Lietuvoje bendrovei „Avesco“. Sandoris buvo itin sudëtingas, nes já ágyvendinant reikëjo ávykdyti ávairias išankstines sandorio uþbaigimo sàlygas, sandoris taip pat turëjo bûti uþbaigtas vienu metu visose trijose jurisdikcijose. „Sorainen“ Estijos, Latvijos ir Lietuvos komandai vadovavo partneris Pekka Poulakka, komandà sudarë vyresnysis […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
Sorainen Estonia advised Estectus, an SEB group property portfolio management company, on the sale of the ScalaCity office building located in Tallinn city centre, to Colonna investors. The newly renovated office building with a total lettable area of over 5,000 m2 will be managed by Colonna. The seller’s advisors included Sorainen, Catella and Seven Real Estate […]