Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN Belarus office assisted RE/MAX, an American international real estate company on the expansion of real estate franchise to Belarus. SORAINEN Belarus team provided full-scope advice on franchising regulation in Belarus, and supported franchisee in registration of the agreement with the local patent authority. Currently SORAINEN team advises the client on the ongoing matters of […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN Estonia is advising Fortum, a Finnish energy company, on sale of its 51.4%-shareholding in the Estonian main natural gas import, sales and distribution company Eesti Gaas to Triliny Energy. The transaction is subject to necessary regulatory approvals and customary closing conditions. Fortum expects to finalise the transaction during the first half of 2016. The parties have […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN Lietuva konsultavo vienà pirmaujanèiø Lietuvoje tarpusavio skolinimo platformø (P2P) „FinBee“ struktûrizuojant klientø lëšø valdymo procedûrà per banko depozitinæ sàskaità. „FinBee“ nuo šiol veiks kaip banko „Citadele“ finansø tarpininkas. „FinBee“ tapo pirmàja tarpusavio skolinimo platforma Lietuvoje, kuri savo klientø lëšø valdymo paslaugoms tiesiogiai pasitelkë banko depozitinæ sàskaità. Toks naujas „FinBee“ klientø lëšø valdymo modelis uþtikrins […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN Latvia office assisted 28 members of the Latvian start-up community on a pro-bono basis in establishing the Latvian Start-up Association. The founding members include Uldis Leiterts, co-founder of Infogr.am and Fragmentic, the best drone of CES 2015 Airdog, Latvia’s oldest and biggest co-working space TechHub Riga, LVCA, Latvia’s recent successful science exit Naco Technologies, and many other start-ups, organisations and individuals. As […]
Sandoriai ir bylos
SORAINEN Belarus office assisted Azumi S.A., a Latin American company involved in the mobile communications business, with registration of the trademark in Belarus, including the overcoming of the provisional trademark refusal. SORAINEN Belarus team included partner Maksim Salahub and associate Nadezhda Fomenok.