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Sorainen palīdzēja pasaules lielākam ceļojumu koncernam TUI sagatavot franšīzes līgumu ar TT un ienākt Baltijas tirgū. Franšīzes līgumā tika iekļauti nosacījumi, tos īpaši pielāgojot TUI, kas uztur ceļojumu aģentūras, tūroperatorus un vadošus tiešsaistes portālus visos lielākajos avota tirgos un brīvdienu ceļojumu mērķos visā pasaulē. Tā kā šī bija pirmā pieredze, jāatzīst, ka tā bija ārkārtīgi […]
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Sorainen Estonia advised CTS Engtec on the purchase of SystemTest, an Estonian company supplying industrial and infrastructure projects with high-quality industrial automation systems, which it designs, produces and puts into operation. CTS Engtec provides engineering, project management and consulting services in the fields of energy, forestry, mining, petrochemicals and the chemical industry sector. Sorainen advised the buyer […]
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Sorainen advised venture capital fund Open Circle Capital on investing in business process management tool Tasker. Together with technology company iTo, Open Circle Capital invested a total of EUR 300,000. Tasker is used by companies whose employees spend a significant amount of their time outside the office. The tool helps to digitalize and optimize business processes and can […]
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Sorainen Belarus advised the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) on Belarusian law matters in connection with lending USD 15 million to Modern-Expo group. A seven-year loan will be used to increase production volumes at the two principal manufacturing sites in Lutsk (Ukraine) and in Vitebsk (Belarus), as well as to restructure the group […]
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Sorainen advised venture capital fund Open Circle Capital on investing in CRM solutions developer Teamgate, a part of the Blue Bridge Group. Open Circle Capital invested together with Blue Bridge’s managing company, Blue Bridge Baltic. Total investment amounts to EUR 400,000. Teamgate intends to use the investment for expansion to foreign markets. The company is also considering integrating elements […]