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ASV valdības Fulbraita (Fulbright) programmas ietvaros ik gadu piešķir stipendijas ievērojamiem studentiem no visas pasaules, tostarp – Latvijas. Fulbraita programmu 1946. gadā ir dibinājis bijušais ASV senators Dž. Viljams Fulbraits, “lai veicinātu savstarpējo sapratni starp ASV un citu valstu iedzīvotājiem”. Programmas ietvaros jau vairāk nekā 300 000 dalībnieku piedalījušies apmaiņā, studējot ASV vai citviet pasaulē. […]
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Sorainen advised Esco Micro, part of the Esco Group, on acquisition of AT Medical – a Lithuania-based manufacturer and developer of innovative in vitro fertilization medical devices. Its products are currently distributed by Esco under the Esco Medical brand. The transaction is expected to close in June 2018. Under the terms of the agreement, Esco Micro will make an undisclosed […]
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Sorainen advised NEPI Rockcastle on its acquisition of 100% of the shares in Ozantis, which owns the Ozas shopping and entertainment centre in Vilnius, from a company in the Hamburg-based ECE group. With an aggregate purchase price of EUR 124.6 million, this is one of the largest single property real estate investments in the Baltic region to date. Ozas, with […]
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Sorainen successfully represented Mindaugas Marcinkevièius, a minority shareholder in VP grupë, against claimant Vilniaus prekyba, which was seeking an order for Mindaugas Marcinkevièius to pay approx EUR 81 million on account of his alleged action to stop the sale of Akropolis shopping centres several years ago. The Vilnius City District Court dismissed Vilniaus prekyba’s action. […]
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Sorainen Estonia advised Taxify, an Estonian startup that competes with Uber across Europe and Africa, on closing USD 175 million in a new funding round that takes its valuation to the USD 1 billion mark. The round was led by German automotive giant Daimler. The investment also featured participation from new backers in the shape of Europe-based Korelya […]