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Sorainen Belarus advised Eurotorg LLC, Belarus’ largest food retailer, on a USD 350 million bond issue for a 5-year term with an annual coupon rate of 8.75% maturing on 30 October 2022. The bonds have been issued by, and with limited recourse to, Bonitron Designated Activity Company for the sole purpose of financing a loan […]
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Sorainen advised Via Payments, part of the VIA SMS Group, in obtaining an e-money institution licence from the Bank of Lithuania. The company will provide e-money and payment services and will enable its customers to open electronic money accounts. Via Payments belongs to the Latvia-based VIA SMS Group of companies, which specialises in consumer loans […]
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Sorainen advised Rogue Wave Software in the acquisition of ZeroTurnaround, the visionary company behind JRebel, XRebel, and XRebel Hub. ZeroTurnaround solutions eliminate the time-consuming build, deploy, and run cycle, speeding Java development, and removing wait-time frustration for developers. ZeroTurnaround technology is used by over 5,200 enterprise teams, including 36 of the Fortune 100, representing more than 65,000 […]
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Aicinām pievienoties pieredzējušu juristu(-i) vai advokātu(-i) vienā vai vairākās šādās jomās: BŪVNIECĪBA FINANSES (īpaši finanšu instrumentu tirgus un ieguldījumu pakalpojumi) ENERĢĒTIKA Mūsu prasības: augstākā juridiskā izglītība vismaz 2 gadu juridiskā darba pieredze entuziasms un vēlme vienmēr attīstīties gatavība efektīvi strādāt gan patstāvīgi, gan komandā teicamas juridiskās angļu valodas zināšanas (ap 50% darba būs angļu valodā) Mēs […]
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Sorainen advised PlusPlus on registering in a Public List of Consumer Credit Providers in Lithuania. In expanding its operations, PlusPlus is planning to acquire and administer consumer loan portfolios in Lithuania. A member of the PlusPlus group of companies, PlusPlus is owned by a pan-Baltic receivables management company with offices in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. […]