Darījumi un lietas
Sorainen konsultēja Antalis, kas ir viens no vadošajiem papīra un iepakojuma izplatītājiem, pasaulē un darbojas vairāk nekā 43 valstīs, Latvijas uzņēmumu par tā ražotnes pārdošanu un nomu Latvijā. Darījuma aptuvenā vērtība sasniedza 4 miljonus EUR. Sorainen partnere, zvērināta advokāte Lelde Laviņa un zvērināta advokāta palīgs Zane Akermane klientu konsultēja pirkšanas un nomas līgumu izstrādē, pārrunās starp darījuma pusēm un […]
Darījumi un lietas
Contrarian Ventures, advised by Sorainen, won a tender to become manager of a venture capital fund established by Lietuvos Energija. The state-owned energy company invested EUR 5 million in the fund. The same amount is expected to be attracted from other investors. The total amount of the fund could reach EUR 10 million. The fund […]
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Sorainen advised Harbortouch, a major provider of touch-screen point-of-sale (POS) systems and payment services in the USA, on launching operations in Vilnius. A product creation and development unit in Vilnius is to employ 80-90 people over the next few years; plans also involve establishing a global call centre in the Vilnius office. According to Jared […]
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Sorainen represented international bank Alfa Bank in a dispute over loans personally granted by Vidmantas Kuèinskas to Arvi NKP, which operates a fertilizer factory in Kaliningrad. Alfa Bank lent over EUR 10 million to Arvi NKP, according to contracts made in 2012-2014. In 2015 one of the Arvi group companies faced financial problems and Vidmantas […]
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International automotive group Inchcape Motors acquired the assets of United Motors, becoming the exclusive distributor for BMW Group in Estonia. The business acquired serves customers of BMW Group and KIA, employing more than 90 people at retail sites in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu and Kohtla-Järve. The transaction received approval of the Estonian Competition Authority in June. […]