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Sorainen successfully represented Tauragë District Municipality in a court dispute over refusal to employ a person who won a competition for a secondary school manager’s position. The claim was based on discrimination against the person and violation of equal rights. The claimant asserted that the municipality was obliged to conclude an employment contract since she […]
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Sorainen advised Technopolis on its acquisition of the Pentagon business centre and nearby area from the Icor group. Total transaction value is around 32 million euros. Acquisition of the building is already under contract, while acquisition of the area is expected to be completed by the end of 2017. Technopolis is an international real estate […]
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Sorainen Estonia advised Sanoma Media Finland on divestment of its fully owned subsidiary Sanoma Baltics to a consortium of management team members and a private equity investor BaltCap. Sanoma Baltics operates auto24.ee, the market leader in Estonian online car classifieds, and Kuldne Börs, an online generalist market place, among others. In 2016, the net sales of Sanoma […]
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Sorainen Belarus advised International Finance Corporation on sale of the part of its shares in Belarusky Narodny Bank. The deal was concluded at Belarusian Currency Stock Exchange (BCSE) on 14 February 2017 upon prior consent of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus. The team which included managing partner Kiryl Apanasevich and senior associate Viktoryia Mikhnevich advised on […]
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Sorainen sniedza konsultācijas Ringier Axel Springer Media par vietējo likumu aspektiem saistībā ar darījumu, kurā tā iegādājās 100% no CV Keskus daļām. CV Keskus ir darba sludinājumu portāla operators, kas pārvalda cvkeskus.ee Igaunijā, cvmarket.lv Latvijā un cvmarket.lt Lietuvā. Kopš dibināšanas Igaunijā 2000. gadā CV Keskus ir paplašinājis savas darbības, aptverot arī Latviju un Lietuvu 2004. gadā. […]