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Sorainen Lithuania advised one of the largest, fastest-growing and most dynamic financial institutions in the region on an acquisition finance transaction related to the acquisition of shares in the AUGA group, in accordance with earlier signed option agreements. AUGA group shares are listed in the Baltic Secondary List of NASDAQ OMX Vilnius. The total disclosed […]
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AMC Theatres (AMC Entertainment Holdings) (AMC) ir noslēgusi galīgo līgumu par lielākā kinoteātru operatora Ziemeļvalstīs un Baltijā kinoteātra Nordic Cinema Group Holding (Nordic) iegādi. Nordic pieder 68 kinoteātri ar 463 ekrāniem un aptuveni 68 000 sēdvietām , kā arī nozīmīgs mazākuma akciju ieguldījums vēl citos 50 saistītos kinoteātros ar 201 ekrānu, kuriem Nordic sniedz dažādus koppakalpojumus. Visas […]
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Sorainen Belarus supported Synopsys in the light of its acquisition of Codiscope, LLC, another US-based software company. Sorainen support included revision of the software development agreement concluded by Codiscope with a Belarusian counterparty and advising on IP transfer and licensing matters. Synopsys is the world’s 15th largest software company, established in the US, with a long […]
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ASV uzņēmums CrossFit ir nolīdzis Sorainen sava intelektuālā īpašuma tiesību aizsardzībai Baltijas valstīs un Baltkrievijā. CrossFit regulāri raugās, lai netiktu prettiesiski aizskarts tam piederošais intelektuālais īpašums – preču zīme CROSSFIT. Šīs preču zīmes attīstībā un popularizēšanā uzņēmums iegulda ievērojamus resursus, un tā ir kļuvusi par plaši pazīstamu preču zīmi Latvijā un pasaules mērogā. Tiesības izmantot […]
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Sorainen assisted Timac Agro on matters related to investment in the welfare of company employees. Timac Agro was seeking to expand the use of its vehicles to accommodate the personal needs of employees. Lithuania-based Timac Agro is part of a worldwide group present in 42 countries and engaged in manufacturing and commercialising fertilisers and nutritional […]