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Sorainen Estonia advised Silmäasema, the Finnish chain of opticians, on its acquisition of a 100% share in Tallinna Optika, the Estonian chain of opticians, from its founder Kalev Klais. With over 40 years of experience, Silmäasema is a leading provider of vision correction and eye care services in Finland. Pasi Kohmo, the company’s CEO, said that Silmäasema […]
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Sorainen is acting as lead legal counsel for the shareholders of Palink, the operator of the IKI retail chain, on the sale of 100% of Palink shares to Rimi Baltic. With a total transaction value of EUR 213 million, this is the largest M&A transaction in Lithuania this year. The acquisition of IKI means that […]
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Sorainen Latvijas birojs sniedza juridisko palīdzību Dasos Timberland Fund ll, privatā kapitāla fondam, kurš veic ieguldījumus ilgtspējīgos meža īpašumos Eiropā un attīstības tirgos, 100% daļu iegādes darījumā. Dasos Timberland Fund ll iegādājās nekustamā īpašuma jomas uzņēmumu, kam pieder mežu īpašumi Latvijā. Sorainen speciālisti veica padziļināto juridisko izpēti un konsultēja klientu daļu iegādes procesā, sniedzot padomus […]
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Sorainen Lithuania Startup Team assisted International Fintech with launching operations in Lithuania. International Fintech, backed by investors from Israel, is developing a system that provides e-money and e-wallet services to online customers. Sorainen provided legal support in the process of obtaining an e-money licence from the Bank of Lithuania. The licence authorises e-wallet and e-money […]
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Sorainen advised CPA:17 – Global on the acquisition of a modern Class A central logistics facility located in Kaunas and signing a long-term lease agreement with Kesko Senukai, a leading Do-It-Yourself retailer in Lithuania and the Baltic States. The property was purchased for approx €60 million, including associated acquisition fees and expenses. CPA:17 – Global […]