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Sorainen advised NanoAvionics, a Lithuanian start-up manufacturing satellites, on securing an investment from AST&Science to support the company’s operational expansion globally. Under the terms of the investment, AST&Science has acquired all shares from venture capital firm Practica Capital and made an additional investment in NanoAvionics’ capital assets. NanoAvionics is a small satellite platform manufacturer and mission integrator. Over the past […]
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Sorainen advised Dense Air – an operating company within the Airspan Group, that provides wholesale shared “neutral host” 4G LTE mobile network densification and extension services – on Latvian telecom regulation as it relates to the acquisition of radio spectrum. Client was advised by partner Agris Repšs and senior associate Andris Tauriòš.
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Sorainen advised venture capital fund Open Circle Capital on its first investment – in Lithuanian start-up Tipi. The company develops information management and communication solutions for teamwork. Open Circle Capital invested along with Silicon Valley fund Sway Ventures and a group of private investors from the USA, the UK, France, Lithuania and Singapore. Total investment amounts to EUR […]
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Sorainen advised Corporate Services in obtaining an e-money institution licence from the Bank of Lithuania. The company belongs to the Latvia-based Corporate Solutions group which, through its related Latvia-based company PAYYAP Retail, provides solutions for small and medium sized merchants in the retail industry. Corporate Services in cooperation with PAYYAP Retail will provide technical and […]
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Sorainen pārstāv tiesā Kaspersky Lab, vienu no pasaules vadošajiem drošības programmatūras izstrādātājiem, par neslavas celšanu pret vienu Latvijas politiķi. Prasība iesniegta, jo Atbildētājs ir sniedzis nepatiesus apgalvojumus par Kaspersky produktu un uzņēmējdarbības praksi un izteicis apsūdzības Kaspersky spiegošanu. Lietu izskata Rīgas pilsētas Pārdaugavas tiesa. Klientam juridisko palīdzību sniedz Sorainen partneris, zvērināts advokāts Agris Repšs un zvērināts advokāts Andris Tauriņš.