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Sorainen represented Lytagra in a dispute regarding an inspection report prepared by Kaunas Territorial Customs office and revoking the decision of the Customs Department. The Lithuanian Supreme Administrative Court annulled a Court of First Instance and Customs Department ruling according to which Lytagra had to pay more than EUR 570 000 in definitive anti-dumping duties, […]
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Sorainen sniedza juridisko palīdzību Francorp Baltic, pasaules lielākā franšīzes konsultāciju biroja pārstāvim Baltijas reģionā, franšīzes līgumu sagatavošanā, kurus tālāk izmantos Francorp Baltic klienti. Sorainen gatavotie franšīzes līgumi aptver šokolādes veikalu, restorānu tīklu darbību, iekštelpu izpletņlēkšanas pakalpojumus, tulkošanas aģentūras un daudzu citu uzņēmumu darbu. Visos gadījumos franšīzes līgumi tika speciāli pielāgoti konkrētās franšīzes struktūrai. Klientu konsultēja […]
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Sorainen is advising the Estonian Development Fund, a public institution established by the Estonian Parliament to support improvements in the Estonian economy through investment in knowledge- and technology-intensive Estonian business in the start-up phase, and SmartCap, a venture capital fund management company established by the Estonian Development Fund to manage venture capital Early Fund II […]
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Sorainen is advising Lenndy – one of the first crowdfunding platforms in Lithuania. The Lenndy platform is based on a sharing economy and allows investors to acquire rights of claim emerging from business loan agreements already concluded. Lenndy operates under the hybrid crowdfunding method, adapted to the Lithuanian regulatory environment and marketing trends. Comments Donatas Šatkauskas, author […]
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Sorainen is advising Betsson on the acquisition of gaming operator Lošimø strateginë grupë, trading as TonyBet in Lithuania. Betsson is acquiring Lošimø strateginë grupë through wholly owned subsidiaries and deal closing is expected to take place within a month. The initial acquisition consideration is EUR 4.0 million. TonyBet is the second largest licensed online operator in Lithuania. […]