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Sorainen assisted the retail footwear chain Batø kalnas in a case concerning illegal use of its trademark. The trademark was illegally used in a fraud on Instagram social network, when scammers set up a fake Batø kalnas profile and invited people to become influencers for the footwear brand. In order to stop illegal use of […]
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2018. gada 23. februārī Eiropas Centrālā banka (ECB) nolēma, ka ABLV Bank, tobrīd trešā lielākā banka Latvijā, kļūst vai, iespējams, kļūs maksātnespējīga saskaņā ar Vienotā noregulējuma mehānisma regulu. ECB arī noteica, ka ABLV Bank Luxembourg, ABLV meitas sabiedrība, kļūst vai, iespējams, kļūs maksātnespējīga. ECB lēmums tika pieņemts pēc ASV Finanšu ministrijas Finanšu noziegumu apkarošanas tīkla (FinCEN) paziņojuma […]
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Sorainen has been advising Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) on contracting Swiss-based ALSO Holding to run its sales and services business in Lithuania, Ukraine and Belarus. US-based HPE provides IT, technology and enterprise products, solutions and services worldwide. ALSO Holding offers services at all levels of the ICT value chain. Under the agreement, ALSO will set up separate legal entities […]
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Sorainen Belarus, jointly with Sorainen Lithuania, acted as Belarusian and Lithuanian counsel for the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) in connection with a USD 15 million loan to Modus Group. The loan aims to finance constructing, equipping and putting into operation four biogas plants with total installed capacity of 4MW to be located […]
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Sorainen assisted Vienna Insurance Group AG Wiener Versicherung Gruppe in obtaining Lithuanian Competition Council approval to acquire 100% of Seesam Insurance shares from Finnish financial services company OP Financial Group. Estonian insurance company Seesam Insurance operates in all three Baltic Countries. Its offices in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia employ 335 staff. Vienna Insurance Group is the leading insurance specialist in […]