In Bloomberg’s latest rankings of Eastern European M&A deal advisors, Sorainen holds the first position among Baltic and Belarusian law firms by volume of deals advised, and the second overall place by deal count. Sorainen advised announced deals with a total volume of USD 1.7 billion and was one of the three law firms to close more than 30 deals. The rankings table covers all Eastern European announced deals of the first three quarters of 2021.
Record market activity
According to Piret Jesse, partner, and co-head of our Estonian M&A team, the M&A market continues to thrive with a number of crown jewels being sold. ”We will be likely looking at a record year for the global and regional M&A market. Already in the first quarter of 2021, the total volume of Baltic transactions alone stood at the all-time high of EUR 925 million, approaching the one-billion mark. Start-ups continue to drive the volume growth, with energy and infrastructure, technology, and e-commerce enterprises stepping on their heels. The medical sector also continues consolidation.”

Bloomberg’s global M&A market review indicates the most active M&A legal market players during the period of January to September 2021. Sorainen holds the dominant position in the Baltics and Belarus by the volume of transactions advised, while also having the largest market share among local competitors. The quarterly league table rankings are a leading benchmark for legal and financial advisory performance.
Collaboration and integration run success
We are capable of supporting our clients in transactions that break new legal ground and set new high-water marks in the region, owing to our integrated team active in Baltics and Belarus. Among these transactions are:
- Apollo Funds to acquire majority stake in leading sustainable bioenergy producer Graanul Invest
- Bolt raises EUR 600 million in the largest Baltic funding round to date
- Certares enters into strategic partnership with Avia Solutions Group
- Invalda INVL seeks to acquire Mandatum Life’s Baltic insurance business
- Lithuanian startup PVcase attracts EUR 20 million investment