Sorainen promoted sworn advocate Maria Pihlak, who heads the firm’s International Arbitration sub-practice in Estonia, to partner. Maria becomes the fourth partner on the Sorainen Estonian office’s Dispute Resolution and Risk Management team, alongside partners Carri Ginter, Allar Jõks and Norman Aas. Sorainen currently has 350 employees across four countries, including 45 partners, 13 of […]
Who’s Who Legal: Arbitration 2023 lists our arbitration experts in its recently published list featuring market-leading arbitrators, counsel, expert witnesses and Future Leaders aged 45 and under. Our highly regarded arbitrators are: Carri Ginter (recommended on the list of Future Leaders – Partner category in Estonia) Maria Pihlak (recommended on the list of Future Leaders – Non-Partner category […]
Mergermarket has once again named Sorainen “Baltic M&A Legal Adviser of the Year”. This is the seventh time already that Sorainen has received this prestigious award for creative advisory work on complex transactions. Last year, in addition to winning the “Baltics M&A Legal Adviser of the Year” award, Sorainen also became the first Baltic law […]
In the recently released Chambers FinTech rankings, our Fintech team has retained the top position in Lithuania for the fourth year in a row. Partners Tomas Kontautas and Augustas Klezys, who lead the team, are also both ranked among the leading fintech experts in Lithuania. According to Chambers, “Sorainen is a go-to choice for Fintech […]
The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has announced the renewed membership composition for the 2022-2024 ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, the ICC’s leading think tank for international dispute resolution. Sorainen senior associate Ieva Rimavičienė, who has significant experience in arbitration and the ADR field, has been appointed by the National Committee as an ICC Lithuania […]