The Estonian Parliament adopted the Foreign Investment Reliability Assessment Act on 25 January 2023. The Act is set to enter into force on 1 September 2023. The primary objective of the Act is to screen both direct and indirect investments made by non-EU investors in strategically important and sensitive areas in Estonia.
Sorainen now has remote working spaces in Tartu – we opened our Tartu HUB on 10 February. The hub has two office rooms with workspaces and a larger meeting room. The hub has everything necessary for a comfortable working environment – a kitchen, IT solutions and fun artwork. Great teamwork environment The hub enables Tallinn […]
On 25 January this year, the 70th Council meeting of the Federation of Security and Defence Industries of Latvia (FSDI Latvia) took place, during which, after a vote, Sorainen was accepted as a member. FSDI Latvia was founded in 2013. It unites a wide range of economic sectors and is the only national-level organisation that […]
With an increased risk of malicious use of innovative dual-use technologies from the Baltics, the Innovators Next Door tech security initiative brings together industry, civil society and government stakeholders to strengthen the policy, practice, and cross-sector networks that protect the Baltic high-tech sector. The Project is coordinated by Motive International, a US social enterprise, with […]
As of 1 January 2023, partner Saulė Dagilytė, currently head of the Sorainen Tax team in Lithuania, is the country managing partner of the Sorainen Lithuanian office. She has taken over this position from Tomas Kontautas, who held it since 2017. Outgoing country managing partner Tomas Kontautas comments: “Sorainen’s partnership agreement provides for a two-year […]