On 7 September, SORAINEN Lithuania associate Artûras Asakavièius will be representing Lithuania at a European Commission Workshop on “Crowdfunding Opportunities and Best Practices in the EU”, where his role will be to inform the other participants about recent developments and likely trends. The Directorate-General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) strongly supports crowdfunding […]
On 26 May SORAINEN was awarded the title of “Baltic States Tax Firm of the Year’ at the International Tax Review European Tax Awards in London. “In 2010 the Baltic tax firms were evaluated for the first time,” recalls Jânis Taukaès, head of the SORAINEN Tax & Customs Team. “We were delighted then even to […]
Partner Allar Jõks of SORAINEN Estonia has announced that he is running for President of the Republic of Estonia. Our team is happy and proud for Allar. We, at SORAINEN, value entrepreneurship and civic initiative. It takes courage to set up one’s candidacy for the country’s highest office, especially from a non-political contender. As a […]
Barclays Group Operations Lithuania is opening Rise Vilnius, a hub for startups, this summer. SORAINEN, as one of the hub’s partners, will help startups on the road to success by providing legal advice. Startups based in Rise Vilnius hub will be consulted by global mentors. In addition, hackathons will be organized, along with creativity workshops and other […]
SORAINEN partner Tomas Kontautas has become a member of the Financial markets commission of the Lithuanian Business Confederation (LVK). Alongside Tomas on the newly elected Financial markets commission are Artûras Bakšinskas (Lithuanian life insurance companies association), Dovilë Burgienë (Valiunas Ellex), Marius Grajauskas (Balèiûnas ir Grajauskas), Andrius Romanovskis (Lithuanian insurers association), Remy Salters (Swedbank) and Marius […]