Andrius Šimkus, an experienced expert in energy law, regulation and policy, joins the Sorainen team. Andrius has over 16 years of experience in the energy sector – he has worked at Lithuanian energy sector companies (Litgrid, LEO LT and Lietuvos Energija) and at the Energy Community Secretariat in Vienna, as well as working at another […]
On April 22 and 23 of 2022, an international conference of the European Criminal Bar Association (ECBA) took place in Riga with the support of the Latvian Council of Sworn Advocates, bringing together more than a hundred defence lawyers from different European countries. Dr.iur. Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte, attorney-at-law, a member of the ECBA and Head of […]
We are extremely happy and proud that our colleague Katrīna Bičevska, together with this year’s VisMoot team, managed an excellent performance at the XII Budapest Pre-Moot. In this competition of 78 different universities from all around the world Willem C. Vis Moot Team University of Latvia made it to the finals. In a very exciting […]
In the recently released Legal 500 rankings, we have strengthened our position in Lithuania in the areas of EU & Competition and Transport & Shipping, and considerably boosted our team’s personal rankings. We thank our clients and cooperation partners for their confidence. Our success is the outcome of hard work by our team, whose primary […]
News / Kertu Ruus
The war in Ukraine will have repercussions but will not harm the Baltic investment and transaction climate in the long run, market participants seemed to agree at the Baltic M&A and Private Equity Forum held on 7 April and co-organised by Sorainen, Äripäev and EstVCA. “There is going to be an extended period of reorientation,” […]