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  • Sorainen Lithuania joins UN Global Compact initiative

    News / Olga Solovyanchik

    Sorainen is pleased to announce that Sorainen Lithuania has oficially joined the United Nations Global Compact initiative. The initiative is a voluntary leadership platform for the development, implementation and disclosure of responsible business practices. This makes us the first law firm not only in Lithuania, but in the Baltic region to join the UN Global […]

  • Sorainen publishes sustainability report

    News / Kertu Ruus, Olga Solovyanchik, Elina Lumiste, Laimonas Skibarka, Vitalija Impolevičienė, Leda Iržikevičienė

    We have published the first sustainability report of Sorainen, covering the procedures we have introduced and the initiatives we have undertaken to make the firm act in a more sustainable way in 2021-2022. The areas covered in the report are business and clients, people, society, and environment, introducing the conscious steps Sorainen has taken in […]

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