Many companies will likely be forced to deal with debts and liquidity issues – one must act smart and promptly to keep the problems from snowballing, Advice to creditors Stop the snowballing effect! Set the credit limit and ask for advance payments First, take a good look at the credit limits you have set for […]
In Latvia, state funds are channelled to support businesses through the state development finance institution ALTUM. State loans by the state development finance institution ALTUM Small, medium-sized and large enterprises facing financial difficulty due to COVID-19 spread may apply for loans to finance their working capital with subsidized/lower interest rates and decreased security requirements of […]
Suspension of creditors’ right to file for insolvency Under the Latvian Covid-19 Law, any creditor (including an employee or the tax administration) is precluded from filing an insolvency application against a debtor (legal person) until 1 September 2020. The moratorium applies to any creditor-debtor relationship and hence is not limited to any industry or to […]
On 22 March 2020, the Latvian Law on the threat to the state related to the spread of COVID-19 and measures for prevention and remedying its consequences (the “Latvian Covid-19 Law”), as later amended on 3 April and 23 April 2020, came into force. Suspension of creditors’ right to file for insolvency Under the Latvian […]
What entrepreneur should consider when cooperating with banks? Read more (in Latvian) here.