Publication / Aliaksandr Artsiukhevich
The new edition of the Law On public procurement of goods (works, services) comes into force in Belarus from 1 July 2019. It is aimed on the improvement of the existing public procurement procedures, their transparency, establishment of more effective mechanisms of protection of the rights of procurement participants. The changes to be noted: implementation […]
On 16 May this year, our real estate & construction sector group held a business breakfast, where Sorainen specialists spoke about sector highlights from diverse legal viewpoints. In this newsflash, we report on the most significant findings expressed during the event. Raivo Raudzeps explained how sanction regulation applies to public procurement and PPP Raivo indicated […]
The Study was jointly organized by 10 leading Belarusian law firms based on information about 59 M&A deals over the last 3 years. The Study utilizes experience from similar projects in other jurisdictions, as well as the results of the previous study conducted in 2010. Comments Maksim Salahub, advocate, partner with Sorainen: “The results of the […]
Link to the Study. In brief: the Study was jointly organized and performed by 10 leading Belarusian law firms 59 M&A deals over the last 3 years have been studied transaction must have had a value exceeding the equivalent of EUR 500,000 the previous study of that kind was conducted in 2010 Comments Maksim Salahub, advocate, […]
Legislative changes deriving from the European Union Trade Mark Directive 2015/2436 affecting trade mark proprietors have been now fully transposed into Estonian law. Indisputably, the most important amendment is that starting from 1 st of April 2019 the Estonian Patent Office will only conduct clearance searches for absolute grounds for refusal when deciding over the […]