New description of measures to prevent violence and harassment at work: what every employer must do?
The Order of the Chief State Labour Inspector of the Republic of Lithuania Approving the Description of Measures to Prevent Violence and Harassment at Work (Description) came into force on 1 January 2025. The Description details the requirements of the Labour Code for the prevention of violence and harassment. The Description lays down specific binding […]
Changes to the law on protecting personal data – what to expect and how to prepare?
From 1 July 2024, amendments to the Law on Personal Data Protection of the Republic of Lithuania (the Law) came into force. These amendments not only give the employer the right to ask a candidate or an employee to provide information on criminal records, but also introduce new rules on the public disclosure of decisions […]
The latest amendments to the Lithuanian Labour Code enter into force from 1 August
At the beginning of the summer, the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania adopted amendments to the Labour Code (hereinafter – the LC) covering many aspects of labour law. In total, more than 40 articles of the LC have been amended, most of which will enter into force on 1 August 2022. Here is an […]
Important employment law changes: what employers should be aware of
The beginning of the year saw several important amendments to the Labour Code and other legislation relating to labour law, entering into force on 1 January. This newsletter gives an overview of the amendments most important for employers relating to wages and their payment, as well as to the protection of whistleblowers. Minimum wages increased […]
Successful defence of clients’ interests in dispute over alleged unfair competition
We successfully defended our clients’ interests in an employment dispute alleging unfair competition in the form of transition of employees from Company A to competitor Company B and alleged luring of customers. In this case we represented Company B and the four employees who transitioned from Company A. The court found that transitioning of employees […]