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  • Katariina Kuum: How to rebuild Ukraine with Russia’s billions

    Publication / Katariina Kuum / Äripäev

    In an opinion piece published in Äripäev, our associate Katariina Kuum wrote about decisions made in arbitration proceedings between Ukrainian companies and Russia and how an additional legal framework could help Ukrainian companies recover the huge damages awarded in international arbitration. While we have heard about sanctions against Russia as well as the freezing of […]

  • Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation 2021

    Publication / Dr Carri Ginter, Albert Linntam, Triin Toom, Katariina Kuum

    Our team of experts has once again been part of publishing the Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation, contributing to composing the detailed overview about Estonian litigation specifities. The Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation is a detailed practical guide on court procedure, the local legal profession, and local judiciaries for international litigators. It includes an in-depth […]

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