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  • The Baltic Times: What is white-collar crime?

    The article was prepared by Sorainen heads of Corporate Crime Investigations and Compliance Dr. iur Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte (Latvia) Norman Aas (Estonia) Darius Raulušaitis (Lithuania) With the association of the White Collar Crime team Agneta Rumpa; Krista Niklase; Jānis Dobelnieks; Hannelora Voiciša; Paula Šūtava; Kristers Pētersons   Introduction One of the areas in which Sorainen assists clients is criminal […]

  • Assessment of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the limitation period for criminal liability

    Publication / Dr Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte, Paula Šūtava

    The limitation period is among the institutions of criminal law for which correct understanding and application is crucial to the final outcome of a case. On the one hand, errors can lead to significant prejudice to the rights of persons entitled to a defence. On the other hand, errors may also create conditions enabling criminal […]

  • AML Watcher: Can Spotify be used as a Money Laundering Front?

    Publication / Dr Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte

    Violeta Zeppa-Priedite, head of Sorainen Latvia Corporate Crime practice has recently mentioned that the development of various social networks and online platforms has not only created new opportunities for people to consume and publish different types of content, but unfortunately has also opened up new horizons for criminals to engage in illegal activities. As the […]

  • Money laundering using Spotify

    Publication / Dr Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte, Andīna Brīvule

    Dr Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte, head of Sorainen Latvia Corporate Crime practice and assistant lawyer Andīna Brīvule The recent development of various social networks and online platforms has not only created new opportunities for people to consume and publish different types of content, but unfortunately has also opened up new horizons for criminals to engage in illegal […]

  • Insight into the future of combating corruption

    Publication / Dr Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte, Hannelora Voiciša

    On 3 May 2023, the European Commission presented a proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on combating corruption, replacing Council Framework Decision 2023/568/JHA and the Convention on the Fight Against Corruption Involving Officials of the European Communities or Officials of Member States of the European Union and amending Directive […]

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