Publication / Marina Golovnitskaya, Yauheni Budchanka
Our Life Sciences & Healthcare team has prepared a summary of measures adopted up to April 14 2020 in Belarus specifically targeted at Life Sciences companies. The government has banned export of some medical goods until at least 1 June: respirators, chemical protection suits, bandages, cotton wool, gauze, medical gloves and masks, etc. The Ministry of […]
Our Life Sciences & Healthcare team has prepared a summary of measures adopted up to April 14 2020 in Estonia specifically targeted at Life Sciences companies. A draft law is currently pending in the Estonian parliament which foresees many changes to the law due to the Covid-19 crisis. Among others, the Medicinal Products Act is […]
Our partner and labor law specialist Karin Madisson and counsel Pirkko-Liis Harkmaa recommend that employers whose companies are not doing so well in the current special situation should not take such extreme measures quickly. Read more in Estonian.
A nationwide emergency was declared in Estonia on 12th March due to the worldwide Coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic and the threat of mass infection. The emergency situation stays effective from 12 March until 1 May 2020 unless decided otherwise by the Government. The Sorainen COVID-19 Task Force is at your disposal, should you need advice on […]
To provide companies with legitimate options to carry out their daily management, the Estonian Bar Association, the Estonian Insurance Association, Nasdaq Tallinn, the Estonian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association, FinanceEstonia, the Chamber of Notaries and the Estonian Employers’ Confederation approached the Legal Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu and the Justice Minister on 27 March […]