Publication / Maksim Salahub, Marina Golovnitskaya, Yauheni Budchanka, Ieva Andersone, Private: Gunvaldis Leitens, Paulius Mockevičius, Rūta Vaicekauskaitė-Jasionė, Stasys Drazdauskas, Kaupo Lepasepp, Olivia Kranich, Mirell Prosa, Oliver Kuusk
Our intellectual property (IP) team will tell you about examples of the problems that companies from different industries faced last year, about changes in legislation, and we will analyse cases of unfair competition, and the fight against smuggling, which increases during turbulent times. IP news from Belarus IP news from Lithuania IP news from Latvia […]
Lithuanian lawyer Asta Augutyte-Rapkeviciene and Estonian lawyer Norman Aas have been promoted to partner at at Sorainen. Asta Augutyte-Rapkeviciene specializes in real estate, construction, and environmental matters. Before joining Sorainen in 2013, she spent three years with Raidla, Lejins & Norcous (now Cobalt). She obtained her master’s degree at the University in Vilnius in 2011. Norman Aas began […]
On 23 December 2020, amendments to the Latvian Law on the Suppression of Consequences of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection (the “Latvian Covid-19 Law”) that provide for changes to the regulation of insolvency proceedings came into force. Reimposed suspension of creditors’ right to file for insolvency Pursuant to the amendments to Article 22 Paragraph 1 […]
Personalised pricing is a price discrimination practice that has become more and more prominent in the age when algorithms and artificial intelligence facilitate the implementation of more customer-specific prices. In essence, a large amount of personal data is processed in the course of determining a personalised price, resulting in different consumers seeing different prices for […]
As part of the Brexit arrangements, the European Council has appointed an EU-UK arbitration panel to resolve disputes between the parties. The Withdrawal Agreement Arbitration Panel consists of 25 members (five chairpersons, in addition to 10 ordinary members from both the EU and the UK side), as well as 17 reserve list candidates. Sorainen partner […]