Remote doctor’s appointments and consulting services allowed but unregulated The Estonian Health Insurance Fund (the HIF) enabled remote consulting services during the state of emergency. At the moment, however, remote appointments are not regulated by legal acts. The HIF hopes to add remote appointments to the list of health care services no later than by […]
Health technologies, including data analytics tools, can vastly contribute to the improvement of patient outcomes, the performance of health systems and health system governance. Health data are paramount to tailoring personalised medicine services, as health data can be used in scientific research and innovation which help individualise health services and improve treatment quality. The Estonian […]
Our partner Carri Ginter, senior associate Kadri Härginen and associate Mario Sõrm published an article in the highly proclaimed Public Procurement Law Review on the topic of in-house transactions in public procurement law. Public Procurement Law Review provides up-to-date information and analysis on public procurement law in the EU and the UK via a pan-European […]
Publication / Rimantas Bendorius, Tomas Kontautas, Dalia Augaitė
Recent news from Lithuania and Europe reveal that we are ready to overcome the challenges posed by COVID-19 and start a new era of green and sustainable finance. On 27 May 2020 the European Commission (EC) updated its seven-year EUR 1 trillion budget proposal and announced the biggest recovery plan in EU history – Next […]
Publication / Leda Iržikevičienė
The COVID-19 pandemic has given us all a chance to observe an experiment in leadership on an unprecedented scale. From governments to businesses – in these months it has repeatedly been proven that teams that include people of different genders and backgrounds manage crisis more effectively. Leda Iržikevičienė, Chief Operating Officer (COO) of Sorainen, says […]