The crisis has forced lawmakers to act promptly and introduce a wide array of new electronic options for companies to organise their business. While these new options often reduce the red tape burden for management board members, their most important duty – to act in the best interest of their companies – remains as important […]
Selling goods cross-border on electronic channels entails tax liabilities, some of which may come as rather unexpected. Here are some practical issues our clients have encountered, which hopefully may help avoid their mistakes. As long as you sell goods or provide services in your home country, the rules are simple: you do not have to […]
As online traders have significantly increased their revenues, many companies find it attractive to move their business online. Let us take a quick look at what the legal ramifications might be. Choose an appropriate sales channel The first decision is to choose an electronic sales channel: this may be a classic online store, a mobile […]
Many companies will likely be forced to deal with debts and liquidity issues – one must act smart and promptly to keep the problems from snowballing, Advice to creditors Stop the snowballing effect! Set the credit limit and ask for advance payments First, take a good look at the credit limits you have set for […]
Many companies will likely be forced to deal with debts and liquidity issues – one must act smart and early to keep the problems from snowballing. Advice to creditors: stop the snowballing effect Set a credit limit and ask for advance payments. First, take a good look at the credit limits you have set for […]