Publication / Alexey Anischenko, Maria Rodich
One of the measures by which the Belarusian Government aims to mitigate the consequences for consumers of the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic was adopted by Resolution 184,[1] which is in force from 01 April 2020. Resolution 184 introduces a moratorium for all Belarusian business entities, regardless of the form of ownership, on price […]
Updated on 21 April 2020 Subsidies on wages paid during idle time Subsidies will be paid to employers who declare idle time because they cannot provide employees with agreed work due to the state of emergency and quarantine, and due to the work organisation there is no possibility to work remotely or the employee does […]
Since announcing a state of emergency on 12 March 2020 due to COVID-19, the Latvian Government has been working on measures to support affected companies. The following support is already available: Payment of salaries to employees from the state budget: where employees are not working as a direct consequence of limitations imposed by the Government (an order on […]
In the coming months, many companies will face indebtedness and liquidity problems that can be alleviated by acting prudently. It is important to address indebtedness and the resulting liquidity problems at the earliest possible stage. Otherwise, they may deepen and become insurmountable, when it may no longer be possible to return from bankruptcy, writes our […]
On March 22, the law “On Measures to Prevent and Manage National Threats and Consequences of COVID-19” (Law) was passed. The law enters into force retroactively, as of 12 March 2020, when a state of emergency was declared in Latvia. The law contains provisions on the following tax items. 1. Extension of payment of taxes […]