Belarus: will it be possible to apply for international trademark registration in Russian? WIPO: positive The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) has approved inclusion of Russian in the list of languages for filing applications for international protection of trademarks and designs. At the moment only English, French and Spanish are included in this list and […]
You can download the the full Review here.
Our founding partner Aku Sorainen talked with Avokaado to share his views about the way clients’ demands are changing in new economies, how lawyers use technology to deliver better client value and what it takes to bring together people from all 4 of our offices to implement new digital tools. Full article available here.
On 25 November 2019, the Latvian Competition Council (Council) published a report on “Medicines: Price formation and possible restrictions on competition affecting their financial availability”. The aim of the study was to consider the factors affecting prices and financial availability of medicines in Latvia. The study compared the regulatory frameworks of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia […]
Copenhagen Economics has interviewed partner Daivis Švirinas and senior associate Monika Mališauskaitė, along with the legal and economist team of the Lithuanian Competition Council (LCC) and prominent Lithuanian competition law experts for this year’s chapter on Lithuania. The chapter investigates three recent landmark decisions that highlight the increasing use of economic methods in public and […]