At the beginning of the summer, the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania adopted amendments to the Labour Code (hereinafter – the LC) covering many aspects of labour law. In total, more than 40 articles of the LC have been amended, most of which will enter into force on 1 August 2022. Here is an […]
In the first half of this year, 54 transactions were announced in the Baltic M&A market, with a total value of EUR 1 billion, according to Mergermarket, indicating that levels of activity are healthy*. “It’s a myth that the region’s M&A market has cooled down as scared investors stay away,” concludes Laimonas Skibarka, managing partner […]
On 16 June 2022, the Saeima approved on first reading amendments to the Energy Law and the Electricity Market Law, which, among other things, regulate energy communities. Despite the fact that energy communities are well-known elsewhere in Europe, to date, there is no regulation specifically of energy communities in Latvia, and the concept is relatively […]
EU digital services legislation is changing For the past 20 years, the e-Commerce Directive has been the piece of legislation governing digital services in the EU. Much has changed over these years, and so the EU is introducing Digital Market Act (DMA) and Digital Service Act (DSA), which according to the latest information are expected […]
Listen to this podcast: https://tax-stories.simplecast.com/episodes/christian-kaeser-siemens-germany-on-integrating-virtual-and-physical-worlds EPISODE SUMMARY Christian is a global head of tax @Siemens in charge of some 650 tax people, tax law professor & Dr., lecturing at Vienna and Freiburg Universities, president of IFA Germany, Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce Tax Commission, Chairman of the supervisory board of WTS tax network, […]