Last week, the Parliament of Estonia (Riigikogu) passed amendments to the Public Procurement Act (RHS). In total, almost 300 changes are envisaged in the act, which is impressive in terms of numbers, but will not lead to drastic changes. The current Public Procurement Act has been in force since 1 September 2017 and transposed three […]
Publication / Raivo Raudzeps
There have not been any amendments to the laws of Latvia that would directly impact the conduct of public procurements in Latvia, including in the utility, defence or security sectors. However, due to the considerable increase in the number and scope of the sanctions (these are called “restrictive measures” in the EU) that the EU […]
Finland has applied to join NATO, and Sweden also decided to apply to join simultaneously. Usually, Finland follows Sweden, but this time it was vice versa. Finland applied to join NATO today because it doesn’t want to be left alone as it sees Russia going back to the Stalin era. For decades Finns have thought […]
Our founder and senior partner Aku Sorainen gave an interview under the headline “The Buzz in Estonia” to CEE Legal Matters. The interview focused on the strongest aspects of the Estonian business market right now. “A booming startup sector, unhampered by the war in the region, is the strongest suit of the Estonian market. The […]
Main comparative corporate tax principles for Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. Available here: TAXES IN A NUTSHELL 2022