In light of the war in Ukraine, if you are a company or an individual with business relations with Russia or Belarus, you need to be aware of the imposed sanctions and take action to prepare. We have compiled an overview of the key facts to know about sanctions, potential consequences for violations, as well […]
On 3 March 2022, the Parliament (in Latvian – Saeima) of the Republic of Latvia at the second final reading adopted the Law on the Support of the Ukrainian Civilians. The purpose of the Law is to provide support for the civilian population of Ukraine, who leave Ukraine or are prevented from returning to Ukraine […]
EPISODE SUMMARY Illya Sverglov was a tax partner at DLA Ukraine for 16 years. The topic no.1, of course, was a look from within Ukraine on the potential threats of war, and how it impacts the business climate. But don’t miss out the tax part on quite important 2022 changes in Ukraine that will cause […]
2022 brings a number of changes in the area of consumer protection which are of particular relevance to businesses engaged in online trading and providing digital content or services, as well as to operators of e-marketplaces. These changes are linked to the implementation of European Union directives: Directive on better enforcement and modernisation of consumer […]
In developing e-commerce regulation, the European Union (EU) has adopted a number of directives to improve the regulation of transactions and online commerce in digital goods and services, including Directive 2019/770,[1] Directive 2019/771[2] and the “Omnibus Directive”.[3] Amendments to the Consumer Rights Protection Law (CRPL)[4] and related regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers, which will […]