Our team of experts has once again been part of publishing the Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation, contributing to composing the detailed overview about Estonian litigation specifities. The Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation is a detailed practical guide on court procedure, the local legal profession, and local judiciaries for international litigators. It includes an in-depth […]
Tax Stories Podcast – Episode 20 – Edward Mwachinga (Kenya) & Theophilus Tawiah (Ghana) – Africa is Rising Edward and Theo will tell us about their careers, businesses and tax systems of Kenya and Ghana. They are both partners of the leading tax consulting firms in their countries, both are members of WTS Global tax […]
We contributed to the Global Competition Review (GCR), focusing on recent events and trends in the competition field in Estonia. Class actions are unlikely to become common in Estonia Our team of lawyers, together with other prominent competition law practitioners, analyzed recent merger investigations and complaints and concluded that it is very unlikely that class […]
Tax Stories Podcast – Episode 19 – Richard Asquith (VAT Calc). Richard Asquith is CEO of VAT Calc – VAT & technology company. He is also a winner of International Tax Review’s ‘Tax Innovator of the Year’ award. In our chat we dive into literature, wine and relations; why e-invoicing is the thing; on VAT […]
Publication / Liutauras Vasiliauskas
Our Fintech team have prepared a reminder to all payment service providers holding a payment institution licence issued by the Bank of Lithuania of the following reporting obligations: Statistical reporting on payments and fraudulent payments (every three and six months respectively) Reporting on payment service charges (five working days before service charges start to apply) […]