Our partner Carri Ginter together with Mari-Kelve Liivsoo have published an article focusing on applying the Unfair Contract Terms Directive to public contracts in the most recent issue of the European Procurement & Public Private Partnership Law Review. ”Extending the effects of the unfair contract terms rules to public contracts produces unwanted side-effects. What is […]
Tax Stories Podcast – Episode 5 – with Karl Berlin, Vice President, Head of tax of Orsted, a global leader in renewable energy business. Jānis and Karl will speak about football, a tax story of his choice, how he became a tax expert even though in the law school tax seemed to be boring, good […]
Kaupo Lepasepp, head of the Sorainen Competition & Regulatory team in Estonia, will become Country Managing Partner of the Estonian office on 1 April 2021. Kaupo is a seasoned practitioner in energy, infrastructure, trade and competition law and has represented clients in dealings both with national competition authorities and with the European Commission. He has […]
On 18 March 2021, the Latvian Parliament adopted amendments to the Latvian Law on the Suppression of Consequences of the Spread of COVID-19 Infection (“the Latvian Covid-19 Law”) that provide for a further extension of the insolvency moratorium. Suspension of creditors’ right to file for insolvency Pursuant to the amendments to Article 22, Paragraph 1 […]
Tax Stories Podcast – Episode 4 – with Wim Wuyts, CEO of international tax network WTS Global. Wim Wuyts shares his vision on: how has the tax advice changed since he was a head of tax of a multinational company comparing to now when he is a head of a global advisory firm; why did […]