Publication / Eva Berlaus, Ērika Bužinska
From 9 November 2020 to 6 December 2020, an emergency situation will be in force in Latvia, with the right to extend or shorten it. An emergency situation is a special legal regime during which the government has the right to restrict the rights and freedoms of state administration and local government institutions, natural and legal persons […]
On 1 November 2020, important amendments to the Competition Law (‘the Law’) came into force in Lithuania, further increasing the need for businesses to prevent infringements. Greater liability for all infringements of the Law and significantly increased fines can potentially lead to the termination of businesses. The amendments are relevant to companies operating in any […]
Sorainen Arbitration Series is a series of interviews to be released until the end of 2020 with Arbitration Institutions, which are of particular interest to users from Baltics and Belarus. Alexey Anischenko, Sorainen partner in Belarus and head of international arbitration, explains how did the idea of the project come out: «Clients keep asking which […]
Publication / Kirill Laptev
Our expert Kirill Laptev authored an overview of the Data Protection legal framework in Belarus. Please see the overview here (requires subscription).