Publication / Alexey Anischenko, Valeria Dubeshka
In an attempt to evaluate the long-term effects of Covid-19 on cinema operators, Sorainen, by the request of the Lithuanian Film Centre, has conducted an economic analysis of the situation. Due to the global Covid-19 pandemic cinema operators in Lithuania are encountering serious challenges – all of the cinemas were closed on 16th March, and […]
We successfully defended our clients’ interests in an employment dispute alleging unfair competition in the form of transition of employees from Company A to competitor Company B and alleged luring of customers. In this case we represented Company B and the four employees who transitioned from Company A. The court found that transitioning of employees […]
As of 6 April 2020 it is possible to attest notarial acts remotely via digitised notarial services (remote attestation), which was initially planned as a pilot project in Estonian foreign representations. A format for attesting notarial acts has been added to the traditional format whereby a party to the act to be attested had to personally visit […]
Publication / Maria Rodich
On 24th April, 2020 the Belarusian Government finally adopted the long-awaited first set of anti-crisis measures to support the economy. Whereas in light of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic the vast majority of European countries are implementing measures concerning insolvency proceedings, restructurings and rights of creditors generally, the economic response in Belarus does not yet include […]