Welcome to our comprehensive guide on doing business in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. This document is designed to provide potential investors with an insightful overview of the most relevant commercial conditions in these dynamic Baltic countries. Whether you are considering expanding your business operations, setting up a new venture, or simply exploring opportunities in this region, this guide will equip you with the essential information you need to make informed decisions.

Importance of the Baltic Region for Investors

Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania, collectively known as the Baltic States, have emerged as attractive destinations for international investors. Their strategic location, skilled workforce, and favourable business environments make them ideal for a variety of industries. Understanding the business landscape, regulatory frameworks, and economic conditions in these countries is crucial for leveraging the opportunities they offer.

Ease of Doing Business

The Baltic States consistently rank high in global business environment rankings, reflecting their commitment to creating investor-friendly conditions.

  • Estonia: Known for its advanced digital infrastructure, Estonia ranks 18th in the World Bank’s Ease of Doing Business Index. The country excels in areas such as starting a business, paying taxes, and cross-border trade.
  • Latvia: Latvia ranks 19th, with strong performances in registering property, protecting minority investors, and trading across borders. Its streamlined procedures and supportive regulatory environment make it a preferred destination for investors.
  • Lithuania: Ranking 11th, Lithuania stands out in the ease of getting credit, enforcing contracts, and resolving insolvency. Its progressive economic policies and robust legal framework support business growth and stability.

To find detailed insights into the commercial conditions, regulatory frameworks, and economic advantages of each country, read the full Investment Card 2024, crafted by our experts.