Deadline for filing annual reports with the State Revenue Service (SRS) approaching

The Law on Annual Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements requires all companies to file an annual report approved by the shareholders’ meeting with the SRS, no later than one month after approval by observing the deadline that is set based on the criteria applicable to the companies:

  • micro and small companies must file an approved annual report for the year 2023 to the SRS no later than five months after the end of the reporting year. This means that if a company’s reporting year is the same as the calendar year, the deadline is 31 May, while
  • medium and large companies ; and
  • parent companies of a group that prepare a consolidated annual group report, these must file an annual report and consolidated annual report (if prepared) with the SRS within seven months of the end of a company’s reporting year. If a company’s reporting year is the same as the calendar year, the deadline is 31 July.

In addition to the annual report and auditor’s statement on the annual report (for companies that meet the criteria listed in the Law on Annual Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements, as well as companies whose articles of association or shareholders’ meeting require the annual report to be reviewed by an auditor), the Commercial Law requires a board proposal to be prepared before approval of the annual report on distribution of profit (or in the case of losses: a proposal on improving the company’s financial status) and, if the company has a council, a report from the council on the annual report. Moreover, under the Law on Groups of Companies, dependent companies must prepare a statement of dependence to be filed with the Commercial Register, unless a group agreement has been concluded.

The annual meeting of shareholders to approve the annual report must be held no later than the deadline mentioned above. A notice convening the meeting must be sent to the shareholders of private limited liability companies at least two weeks before the meeting, while for public limited liability companies the notice given must be at least 21 days before the meeting.

Companies must ensure shareholders have uninterrupted free-of-charge access to the documents (including the option to save and print the documents) to be reviewed at the meeting (including the annual report, a statement of dependence, an auditor’s statement, a report from the council and a board proposal) starting from the date the notice on convening the meeting was sent out and continuing for at least one year after the meeting. If the company is unable to provide the access to the documents for technical or other reasons or the shareholder is not able to access the documents for justified reasons, the documents must be sent to the shareholder free of charge or otherwise made available free of charge at least 14 days before the meeting.  Please note that the Commercial Law allows the board to convene a shareholders’ meeting, enabling the shareholders to participate and vote at the meeting by electronic means of communication.

The annual report must be filed only with the SRS, along with the details of the  approval of the annual report by the shareholders’ meeting.

The annual report must be signed not only by the board or an authorised member of the board but also by the company’s in-house or outsourced accountant (criteria are listed in the Law on Annual Financial Statements and Consolidated Financial Statements and the co-signing duty of the accountant applies to the financial statements and consolidated financial statements).


In relation to the requirement to draft a statement of dependence under the Law on Groups of Companies, we would like to draw your attention to the fact that noncompliance with this requirement formally exposes the board members to the risk that their liability is evaluated. This is especially important for companies which are entering into agreements with related parties and which have several shareholders. We have noticed that companies sometimes ignore  the requirement to prepare a dependency statement. For reasons of risk management, we ask boards to comply with this requirement and prepare dependency statements.

What to consider when convening a shareholders’ meeting

When you send invitations to shareholders’ meetings, do not forget to indicate a procedure whereby the shareholder can use his/her statutory rights, as well as deadlines:

  • to vote before the shareholders’ meeting
  • to participate and vote at the shareholders’ meeting by electronic means of communication

We advise supplementing the invitation with a voting ballot, accompanied by instructions on how to sign and return it to the company. In this case, it is important to clearly state the requirements for identification of the shareholders. The shareholder sends the vote to the company, keeping in mind the shipment time: the company should receive the voting ballot at least one day before the meeting.

To ensure shareholders’ ability to participate and vote at the meeting with the help of electronic means of communication, the board has to stipulate how it intends to identify the shareholders.

Reminder to public limited liability companies

Please keep in mind 30 June – this is the deadline by which public limited liability companies must file certain information and documents to the Company Register:

(a) for companies with registered shares – the first section of the shareholders register

(b) for companies with dematerialised shares – information regarding the central securities depository where the shares are registered

For more information, please click the link.



Please feel free to contact us in case of any questions.