Sorainen advised Pigu.lt, the largest online sales player in the Baltic States, and its shareholders on its merger with Morele.net, a Polish e-commerce platform operating in the consumer electronics distribution segment. The merger will result in creation of one of the largest e-commerce groups in Central and Eastern Europe, with a plan to exceed annual […]
Publication / Alexey Anischenko, Dr Carri Ginter, Paul Künnap, Karin Madisson, Algirdas Pekšys, Augustas Klezys, Agnietė Venckienė, Jonas Kiauleikis, Zane Paeglīte, Edvīns Draba, Monika Tukačiauskaitė, Laura Matukaitytė, Häli Sokk, Nele Suurmets, Triin Toom, Toms Kārlis Broks, Maris Milpak, Oliver Ämarik
Sorainen team has contributed to the sixteenth edition of a Wolrd Bank Group flagship publication Doing Business 2019: Training for Reform. It is the 16th in a series of annual reports measuring the regulations that enhance business activity and those that constrain it. Doing Business measures regulations affecting 11 areas of the life of a […]
Sorainen successfully represented Valdas Šarūnas, a former director of Kėdainių aruodai, in a case concerning compensation for damages related to company losses. Last year Kėdainių aruodai blamed the former manager for a bad harvest and related losses and claimed more than EUR 1 million in the Kaunas Regional Court. On 11 October, 2018 the Court […]
Sorainen helped TUI ‒ the world’s biggest travel group ‒ in preparing a franchise agreement with TT and entering the Baltic market. The franchise agreement contains conditions specifically suited to TUI, which maintains travel agencies, tour operators and leading travel online portals in all major source markets and holiday destinations worldwide. As a first-time experience […]
Deals & Cases / Viktoryia Mikhnevich, Maksim Salahub
Sorainen Belarus advised Baltic Beverages Holding (BBH), a member of the Carlsberg Group, on an increase of its stake in Brewing company Alivaria, Belarus’ oldest existing brewer. In the result of the transaction, BBH acquired an additional 10.5% of voting shares in Alivaria from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Earlier, Sorainen Belarus advised […]