Sorainen Belarus advised Eurotorg LLC, Belarus’ largest food retailer, on a USD 350 million bond issue for a 5-year term with an annual coupon rate of 8.75% maturing on 30 October 2022. The bonds have been issued by, and with limited recourse to, Bonitron Designated Activity Company for the sole purpose of financing a loan […]
Sorainen advised PlusPlus on registering in a Public List of Consumer Credit Providers in Lithuania. In expanding its operations, PlusPlus is planning to acquire and administer consumer loan portfolios in Lithuania. A member of the PlusPlus group of companies, PlusPlus is owned by a pan-Baltic receivables management company with offices in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. […]
Deals & Cases / Reimo Hammerberg
Sorainen Estonia advised NEFCO, an international finance institution established by the five Nordic countries to finance green investment projects primarily in Eastern Europe, on signing a subscription agreement with BaltCap for an equity investment in a new infrastructure fund for the Baltic states. NEFCO will invest EUR 3 million in the BaltCap Infrastructure Fund, which […]
SORAINEN Lithuania advised Softneta in negotiating and concluding agreements on investment in the company by venture capital fund Practica Capital. Softneta is an award-winning Lithuanian IT company providing software-based specialized healthcare solutions to improve the quality of patient care. The company has enjoyed great success not only nationally but also globally through exporting products to […]