Selling goods cross-border on electronic channels entails tax liabilities, some of which may come as rather unexpected. Here are some practical issues our clients have encountered, which hopefully may help avoid their mistakes. As long as you sell goods or provide services in your home country, the rules are simple: you do not have to […]
Organising shareholder meetings remotely Under the Law on Companies, a limited liability company may allow shareholders to attend the general meeting of shareholders and to vote by means of electronic communications. Although no official changes in legislation have yet been implemented in this field, on 7 April 2020 the Ministry of Economy and Innovation published […]
In March, the EU Court of Justice ruled that VAT exemption applies to health services provided by phone (case C 48/19). X is a private limited company incorporated under German law. In February 2014, the company provided advice over the phone on behalf of its health insurance fund regarding health issues, and implemented support programmes […]
The current crisis presents opportunities in the field of taxation and transfer pricing. Companies need to decide how to manage their intra-group transaction and transfer pricing systems, to reduce their current tax burden by changing intercompany prices. Where we stand The pandemic forms a clear and present danger for the global economy. Business supply chains […]
The work stoppage due to the raging pandemic in Europe has created tax risks for Baltic construction companies active abroad because their commercial revenue might be taxed there instead of their home country. Why is it important that activity on a construction site lasts less or more than 6 months? Many Baltic contractors operate on […]