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  • The first regulations for opticians in Latvia

    Our expert team provided pro bono services to The Association of Latvian Optometrists and Opticians under our Shared Mission program to draft regulations governing the operations of optometrists’ and opticians’ and their relations with patients. The regulations would address where and how optometrists and opticians provide their services, designate responsibilities and accountability, and remove unnecessary […]

  • Compensation of legal expenses needs to meet market rate

    Deals & Cases / Katrīne Pļaviņa-Mika, Katrīna Bičevska

    Our team is acting for CATA, a client for whom Sorainen obtained a landmark ruling annulling unlawful amendments to a procurement contract in favour of its competitor, for a compensation of legal expenses in that case. Latvian laws used to cap the compensation of legal expenses by the government at ca. EUR 50 per hour […]

  • Corporate crime investigations and compliance issues in 2023: Latvia

    Deals & Cases

    “One of the fields of law in which Sorainen provides assistance to clients is criminal law. In this field in 2023, our team of criminal law experts mainly provided legal assistance in cases of possible legalisation of the proceeds of crime, tax evasion, or violations of sanctions,” comments head of Corporate Crime practice in Latvia […]

  • Estonia will soon make a decision on whether to launch a nuclear energy programme

    Deals & Cases / Liisa Kähr, Sandra Mikli

    We advised the Estonian Ministry of Climate on the possibility of introducing nuclear energy to Estonia, by analysing the necessary legal framework and conducting a human resources study in cooperation with the University of Tartu. The report provides the necessary information for developing a national nuclear law and mapping out requirements for the key organisations […]

  • Comparative analysis on laws for weapons and ammunition

    Deals & Cases / Katrīne Pļaviņa-Mika, Diāna Adamoviča, Sabīne Stirniņa

    The Estonian Ministry of Defence has signed a proposal to develop a defence industrial park in Estonia for the production of various ammunition calibres. This move aims to boost European ammunition production capacity, enhance defence capabilities and support allies. The production of munitions and weapons in Estonia was made possible only by an amendment to […]

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