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  • The Baltic Times: What is white-collar crime?

    The article was prepared by Sorainen heads of Corporate Crime Investigations and Compliance Dr. iur Violeta Zeppa-Priedīte (Latvia) Norman Aas (Estonia) Darius Raulušaitis (Lithuania) With the association of the White Collar Crime team Agneta Rumpa; Krista Niklase; Jānis Dobelnieks; Hannelora Voiciša; Paula Šūtava; Kristers Pētersons   Introduction One of the areas in which Sorainen assists clients is criminal […]

  • The Baltic Times: How will Global Minimum Tax impact companies in the Baltic?

    Publication / Aija Lasmane

    Author: Aija Lasmane, Sorainen Tax partner What is Global Minimum Tax? On October 8, 2021 an agreement between OECD countries was reached on two work directions regarding business income taxation, of which: the first pillar relates to new profit-sharing rules, which aim to redistribute the surplus profits of large international groups to jurisdictions where consumers […]

  • “Latvijas Gāze” dividends payment to Russian companies challenged in court

    Publication / Jānis Taukačs

    How correct is it that the Latvian gas company “Latvijas gāze” paid out several million euros in dividends to Russian state companies on its profits last summer? This question has been brought to court. Energy prices soared around the world after Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This helped energy companies, including Latvijas gāze, to make good profits. […]

  • European Legal update 17.04. – 30.04.

    Publication / Natālija Ķīse

    Assistant lawyer  Natālija Ķīse compiled the material.        Data protection Fashion online retailer, Shein, to comply with more stringent DSA rules Published: 26 April 2024 Shein, an online fashion store with over 45 million monthly visitors in the EU, has been officially classified as a Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) by the Commission today in […]

  • Baltic Banking Industry Data Protection Officer Forum


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