In protecting the principles of a democratic society and media independence, SORAINEN is providing pro bono legal assistance to the newspaper BAUSKAS DZĪVE (BDz) in its fight with Iecava Regional Council (Council) over publishing of journalistic articles and advertising in the municipal newspaper Iecavas Ziòas. BDz has asked the Council to stop publishing these items […]
Sorainen Belarus advised Nuance Communications, an American multinational computer software technology corporation, on Belarusian aspects of acquisition of TouchCommerce, a technology partner and leader in digital customer service and engagement solutions. The team, which included partner Maksim Salahub, associates Kirill Laptev and Nadezhda Fomenok, conducted a limited due diligence of TouchCommerce operations in Belarus, reviewed the intragroup contractual […]
Sorainen Latvia is representing foreign creditors from different jurisdictions (EU and non-EU) in the liquidation of Trasta Komercbanka, a credit institution (bank) registered in Latvia. Our work is related to advising creditors on the liquidation proceedings, drafting and filing creditors’ claims, liaising with the liquidator, resolving issues related to payout within the deposit guarantee scheme […]
Sorainen Belarus advised Finland’s OpusCapita Group Oy on the Belarusian aspects of acquisition of all shares in jCatalog Software AG (Dortmund, Germany) from its shareholders. Our legal support included, inter alia, review of contractual arrangements between jCatalog Software AG and its local partner, advising on issues related to intellectual property protection, employment relations and tax […]
Sorainen Estonia assisted DT Group Finland, part of the world’s leading specialist distributor of plumbing and heating products, in divesting 100% of Puukeskus shares in a management buy-out to Atso Matsalu, the long term CEO of the company. Puukeskus is the leading distributor of wood-based building materials in Estonia, having started operations in 1996. The […]