Data Protection
Drawing on our broad collective experience, we provide every service you need to help protect data and ensure compliance. We are trusted by clients across many industries not just because of our region-specific savvy but also the precision work we deliver.
The hottest topic – the GDPR
Since the significant change to the EU personal data protection landscape that took place with the adoption of the General Data Protection Regulation, many businesses are eager to become compliant but do not know where to start. We begin with an audit, helping the client map their data processing – this is the first thing that needs to be done before we can move on to drawing up and executing an action plan to meet the numerous requirements. Even though the GDPR is an EU-level regulation, local requirements add another level of complexity – and we know the ones that apply in the Baltics inside out.
Educating businesses – GDPR e-course
We have developed a user-friendly tool to help our clients understand the essence of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and prevent potential violations. The e-course is suitable for users with no background in law in general and data protection rules in particular. Click here to read more about the course in Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian.
Cybersecurity and personal data breaches
Clients appreciate our help when a data breach has occurred – we know just how time-critical such incidents are, not least because swift communication with regulators and the individuals affected is paramount. Even more importantly, our clients rely on us to be prepared for such eventualities. The threat landscape is always evolving, and a breach may come from the most unexpected source.
Doing marketing campaigns the right way
Companies often struggle with compliance, since it remains unclear when contacting clients by email or phone is acceptable and allowed. Imagine a twenty-year-old company which has gone through a few mergers and is now left wondering which of the client databases it has collected over the years it can use. We are here to help before you get into any trouble.
Behaviour tracking – how much is OK?
Technologies that follow users’ behaviour raise a number of questions. Even if the data collected is impersonal, there are markers that companies can apply to segment users. What are the legal limits, and how can a company stay on the safe side and protect their users’ rights as well? We see both sides of the story and can also help when your customers wish to exercise their rights.
We can help you with
- Cybersecurity and personal data breaches
- Privacy and online privacy
- Personal data protection
- Data protection impact assessments
Contact us
Legal Adviser
Regular advice on intellectual property and data protection matters
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Uralkali Trading
Advising Latvian subsidiary of leading global potash producer in implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
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Full GDPR audit for international used car financing and consumer lending company, detailed mapping of data processing activities and advice on how to achieve full GDPR compliance
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Affise Technologies
Advising online marketing platform company on ensuring GDPR compliance
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Assisting Minsk-based mobile app development company on ensuring GDPR compliance plus privacy policy review and consent issues
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Assisting global producer of tyres and other rubber products with implementing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Latvian group company and Lithuanian branch plus taking into account the client’s activities in Estonia
European Legal update: 02.10. – 15.10.2024
Publication -
European Legal update: 18.09. – 01.10.2024