Employment Disputes

We help clients in successfully resolving disputes with state authorities and at all court levels. Clients rely on us for handling employment termination cases, reclassification disputes, and remuneration claims, including unpaid overtime, severance, and bonus payments.

To ensure you are protected against discrimination and mobbing claims, consult us about the standard of proof required. We also enjoy sharing our expertise; we would be delighted to visit you and provide a talk on employment law.

We can help you with

  • Employment termination disputes
  • Remuneration and bonus disputes
  • Relationships with employee representatives
  • Employment contract reclassification
  • Usage of agency workers
  • Compliance with post-employment covenants (trade secrets, prohibition of competition)
  • Disputes related to material liability by employees
  • Collective relationships


  • VMF Latvia

    Representing the timber measurement, quality evaluation, and testing services company in a dispute with employee over employment termination, suspension from work and recovery of average earnings. As a result, the court dismissed all employee’s claims.

    Legal Adviser
  • Bohnenkamp

    Representing the international seller of tires and wheels in all court levels in a dispute against former employee over allegedly illegal employment termination. As a result, the court dismissed all employee’s claims.

    Legal Adviser
  • A multinational investment bank

    Representing the Lithuania-based service centre of a multinational investment bank and financial services company in an employment dispute in Lithuanian Supreme Court. As a result the client won the first case in Lithuanian Supreme Court over performance-related employment termination, successfully forming new case law on the matter.

    Legal Adviser
  • Megaron-E

    Representing the Estonian construction company in a dispute over termination of an employment contract with its Head of Construction, who started working for a competitor as Head of Construction while being on a vacation and later on a parental leave but still being an employee of Megaron-E. As the Supreme Court dismissed the employee’s claim against our client, it was found that Megaron-E rightfully ended the employment contract as the employee had not been loyal.

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  • Estonian Rescue Board

    Representing the Estonian Rescue Board in a dispute with an employee over summarised working time and sick leave. The Board paid the employee less salary for the days on leave. The employee appealed, arguing that salary deductions should also reduce the working time for the month. The Supreme Court ruled in favour of the Rescue Board. This case is notable as there are no specific laws or regulations in Estonia for such situations.

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  • Fitek

    Representing a fintech company in the Baltic countries throughout the Labour Dispute Committee and two stages of court in a labour dispute with an accountant, who claimed that continuing work posed a health threat. The courts ruled in favour of the employer, finding that the health issues were not caused by the employer or the workplace. Therefore, the employee had no legal right to terminate the employment contract on these grounds.

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  • Taurage Municipality

    Representing Lithuanian municipality in disputes over ending employment contracts with managers of municipal institutions, covering both employment and public law. The court dismissed the employees’ claims.

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  • Local sales office of a US S&P 500 company

    Orchestrating termination of conflicting top managers so that litigation was avoided and employment terminated quickly and with minimal compensation.

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