We can help you with
Mandatory violence and harassment prevention training for all employees
This training programme for all company employees is tailored to your organisation’s needs and typically covers the following key topics:
- What is violence and harassment (e.g. can inappropriate jokes about a colleague’s appearance and gossip be considered harassment, and what impact does it have on the team)?
- What is not violence and harassment (e.g. can negative comments by a manager about work be considered violence)?
- Where does the prohibition of violence and harassment apply (e.g. is violence at a corporate party after work also prohibited)?
- How do I report violence and harassment or any other situation of concern?

Violence and harassment prevention training for managers
A special training programme for managerial staff. Team leaders, line managers, HR managers and specialists are usually the first to be confronted with potential violence or harassment situations, so it is important that they have the knowledge to respond appropriately to such situations.
This programme is tailored to your organisation’s needs and typically covers the following key topics:
- What should a manager do if he/she becomes aware of a situation of violence or harassment within his/her team?
- What should a manager do if the manager is accused of violence or harassment?
- When can the manager deal with the situation on his/her own and when should other company representatives be involved?
- Common mistakes and how to avoid them.
The training is available in Lithuanian or English, either at your office or remotely.

In addition, we can offer assistance in the following areas
- Developing a procedure for the prevention of violence and harassment (mandatory for employers with up to 50 employees).
- Developing a violence and harassment prevention policy (mandatory for employers with more than 50 employees).
- Reviewing and adapting global violence and harassment prevention documents to Lithuanian legal requirements.
- Assisting with investigations into possible violence and harassment.