Blockchain Finance & ICOs

The advent of blockchain has introduced new and exciting funding and investment opportunities. To navigate this uncharted territory, you need a team that stays ahead of the curve.

Despite the novelty of these innovations, we have already gained significant experience in the Baltics by setting up a cryptocurrency exchange in Lithuania and registering several in Estonia. We are enthusiastic about helping new tech ideas become reality through Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) and assisting crypto businesses in connecting with the fiat currency world.

SER_ Blockchain Finance & ICOs

We can help you with

Regulating innovative blockchain finance

Establishment and licensing

AML and compliance

Connecting crypto and fiat assets


  • Bailsman Group

    Organising initial public offering of crypto coins (ICO) in Estonia

    Legal Adviser
  • Better Betting

    Advising on initial public offering of crypto coins (ICO) in Estonia

    Legal Adviser
  • WePower

    Advice on regulatory, AML/KYC, data protection, taxation, account opening + other matters related to structuring and launching ICO in Lithuania

    Legal Adviser
  • Inwise

    Organising initial public offering of crypto coins (ICO) in Estonia

    Legal Adviser

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