
No matter your industry, we can be your trusted advisor on environmental law, regulation, and practice. Our team combines technical expertise, regulatory experience, entrepreneurial thinking, and regional insight to help you manage environmental risks and ensure smooth transactions.

With growing environmental concerns, regulatory demands are expanding at both domestic and European levels. Our clients rely on us to stay updated on all developments. Environmental compliance issues can impact processes and products across industries, and staying compliant is crucial, especially due to the significant impact of liability issues on business transactions.

We regularly advise industrial clients on SEAs and EIAs, including pollution permits, special protection zones, and remediation of polluted areas for further development.

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We can help you with

  • Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEA)
  • Health, environment and safety (HES) regulation and permits
  • Regulation of chemicals, including regulation, evaluation and authorisation of chemical substances (REACH), biocides and detergents
  • Environmental liability
  • Natural resources
  • Green technology
  • Emissions trading
  • Nature protection
  • Waste management, including waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), regulation of hazardous substances (RoHS), and end of life vehicles (ELV)
  • Transaction advice
  • Environmental disputes and litigation


  • Estonian Technical Regulatory Authority

    Analysing legal possibilities and principles for compensating potential adverse effects of Rail Baltica construction

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  • FinEst Bay Area Development

    Construction project for the Tallinn-Helsinki tunnel, the high-speed railway connection between Helsinki Vantaa Airport and Tallinn Airport. Advice included preparation of environmental impact assessment programme and relevant nature studies

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  • Gaižēni

    Assistance in pig farm development project, complex analysis of real estate development, territorial planning, environmental impact assessment and building permit issues

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  • Ritka Holding

    Comprehensive research on territorial planning and environmental issues for construction of wind park in Latvia. Litigation for building permit

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  • Expal Systems

    Advice on environmental matters in the scope of project on destruction of ammunition in Belarus

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  • Lidl Lietuva

    Advice on environmental issues related to packaging and packaging waste management, electrical and electronic equipment waste management, and one-way packaging deposit system

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  • RB Rail

    Advice on environmental issues related to procedures for environmental impact assessment and strategic environmental impact assessment

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  • Roquette Amilina

    Advice concerning impact on public health assessment and establishment of sanitary protection zones, procedures related to environmental impact on public health assessment

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  • International Wood Processing Company

    Analysing compliance of the client’s plans regarding expansion of production with existing permissions limiting potential environmental impact and advising on the procedure of obtaining new permissions

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